Thursday, October 31, 2019

History of American Ethnics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

History of American Ethnics - Essay Example In their social and political lifestyle they remain naturally embodied in the simple nature of living and in a way they tend to shun away from the civilization process of life. The noble salvage are regarded as backwards and mostly admired for their simplified mode of living. According to, (The University of Texas at Austin Counseling and Mental Health Center, 2015), the minority model stereotype is a model that is characterized for it rare membership in the society and it is oftenly regarded as the highly group that has the highest positions in the socioeconomic circles of success in the society. They are characterized according to their ethnicity, religion and races among other factors. According to The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica (2014), their characterization comes into effect through their family stability and social status, education levels and their income rates that they acquire. Both the noble savage and the minority have similarities that they share in their day to day life and often, they tend to meet indirectly at different point in time in their social, political and cultural spheres. According to The University of Texas at Austin Counseling and Mental Health Center (2015), the noble salvage has the inborn nature and culture that they have to be proud of their background and that they must intend to keep it running in their lineage. This applies similarity to the minority noble stereotype that is naturally mentored to keep the family wealth and status at par and be proud of who they are and where they came from. The difference here comes in where the noble savage stereotype tend to bank so much on their origin of nature and the minority noble tend to bank so much on civilization. In this case the minority tend to be good in white collar professionalism as they also do well in their academic and educational levels, (T.K., 2010), notes. The blue

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Sports and animals Essay Example for Free

Sports and animals Essay This would explain the large quantity of participants remembering Uganda and chimpanzee, for example, as they are very infrequently used and may have stood out from the more generic words in the table. This may also account for why words like China, cow and swimming were frequently forgotten: they are neither very common nor uncommon in their usage in everyday life, nor are they stereotypical of their respective categories. What is meant by this is if the question was asked name a sport, it is unlikely that the answer swimming would be given, whereas football would be a more likely answer, despite swimming being a relatively common word to encounter. This builds on the idea of categories acting as recognition cues for subsequent words. Also interesting was the distribution of recalls by category: colours were recalled the most frequently (85/120), compared with sports and animals (both 77/120) and, least frequently, countries (64/120). There could be several explanations for this, but it appears to constitute primarily of two factors: the frequency of usage, and the size of the categories domains. For example, colours are frequently used words and there are relatively few words that fall under that category; sports and animals are also categories from which often-used words are drawn, but there are many more words that fit into them than there are for colours; and countries are less frequently-used words. Therefore, a decrease in common usage and an increase in size may lead to proactive interference, causing more confusion and, occasionally, incorrect words to be recalled. This is demonstrated, for example, in that the word America was recalled three times despite it not being on any of the lists (see Appendix 1). In the results from Condition B, there is also evidence that primacy and recency may have occurred. Respectively, green and dog are the first and last words on the grid, and they were recalled by 10 and 9, respectively, of the 10 participants in that condition. No such effect was found, however, in Condition A, suggesting that the order in which words are sequenced has little effect if there is a more significant method of organisation present (in this case, categories). These patterns indicate that organisation is the key factor in remembering information, but at any one time there may be several methods of organisation occurring simultaneously, such as the words semantic categories, the order that the words are written down, and the frequency of the words usage, among others.  This study did, however, have limitations; the most prominent of which is the potential lack of population validity as a result of the relatively small sample size used and the highly restricted age group from which participants were drawn. This could be overcome in future research by widening the target population and using a larger sample in order to identify trends in more detail. In terms of ecological validity, the study uses artificial stimuli to test memory, and naturally occurring stimuli could be used instead in order to observe the effects of organisation on learning in a natural setting and thus improve the ecological validity. There are implications of this study for many aspects of life which involve learning, but particularly education. It has shown that information is better learnt when organised, either upon presentation or as a mental process. The implication of this is that pupils and students may learn information more efficiently through teaching methods involving organising information into structures and providing tasks to do so if the information is not already organised. The former would provide explicit organisation, and the latter would allow individual pupils and students to find their own ways to learn greater amounts of information. Future research might aim to investigate further into the effects of categorisation. This could be done by using a larger list of words or by drawing words from more distinct categories, and observing if, how and how much participants categorise these words; and relating this to the amount of information they remember. A wider target population would also be beneficial. It is often cited that children learn information more efficiently than older adults, and giving participants from the two age groups the same task and comparing the results would provide insight into how the process of learning is different between them, if indeed it is different. To conclude, this study has found no significant effect of organisation of information upon the learning of this information, but organisation cannot be ruled out as a significant factor. It may be the case that organisation upon encoding, rather than presentation, is the factor that determines the storage of the information. This organisation may be in the form of categorisation, but individual differences exist with regard to how this information is organised. Other factors may be how commonly the information is experienced in the given context, and how many recognition cues are available for the information to be recalled. References BOUSFIELD, W.A. (1953). The occurrence of clustering in the recall of randomly arranged associates. Journal of General Psychology, 49, pp. 229-240.  BOWER, G.H., CLARK, M.C., LESGOLD, A.M. WINZENZ, D. (1969). Hierarchical retrieval schemes in recall of categorized word lists. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behaviour, 8, pp. 323-343.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The First Born

The First Born The title of this poem is The First Born. The poem is set in Australia today. The speaker in the poem, is the Land, which is distressed and franticly searching for her first born, the indigenous Australians who are in a bad condition. The Land continues searching for her first born and asks you whom I bore after which is the white people what had become of the indigenous Australians. The white people were silent and did not reply. An important idea in this poem is the relationship between the indigenous Australians and the white people. The poet seems to express to readers that the indigenous Australian are in a bad condition. Another idea is that all human beings regardless of race are equal and part of the same human family. In terms of emotion, the poet invokes feelings of hurt and anxiety through the Land. The poem suggests that the indigenous Australians are in a bad condition through the use of various literary techniques. The Land is heard calling out for her first born the indigenous Australians, and the poet describes that the light of their being barely aglow? which is a metaphor that suggests the vitality of the indigenous Australians are diminished and there is little hope in their future. Therefore we get the idea that the indigenous Australians are backwards in terms of political economy, social and education wise. The Land is also strain my ears for the sound of their laughter which is another metaphor which seems to the readers that the indigenous Australians have little joy and happiness in their life. We get an image of the backwardness of the indigenous Australians that they deprived and therefore unhappy. Through the line Where are the laws and the legends I gave?, the poet suggest that the culture that the indigenous Australians culture history are diminished and forgo tten. The readers get an image that the indigenous Australians has been neglected and their culture wiped out , therefore the indigenous Australians have no identity or culture to call their own. To sum up, it is suggested that the indigenous Australians are in a bad condition which includes the lost of their culture which has been past down for generations. The poem also presents to us the idea that all human are equals and therefore part of the human family, thus there should not be any discrimination against any race, which includes the indigenous Australians. The poet express this to readers through the line They were formed out of my dust is a metaphor which renames the people are being born, which is a reference the Bible. According to the Bible, people are formed out of dust and thus it means that all people are formed from the same substance, and dust being part of the earth or God , thus all humans are equal in Gods eye and thus have to be treated with respect. Another evidence of the idea of equality is in the line you whom I born after which suggest that the Land willing to forgive the white Australians for the past misdeed as, in the poem the Land acknowledges the white Australians one of her children. To conclude, the poem indicates the idea all humans are equal and the Land accepts both the indigenous Australians and white people. The Land in the poem expresses various feelings and emotion throughout the poem. The Land is personified as a mother and the various people her children. The Land is anxious that her first born cannot be found and her feelings are intensified. This makes the situation more dramatic as the anxiety of a mother who has lost a child is without comparison. The Land would feel that way as the indigenous Australians do not have much vitality and playing very little part in society due to their backwardness ,thus the indigenous people are missing in society. The Land is hurt due to the fact her first born is dying and neglected. The Land as a mother will not want to see her children dying and neglected. We thus feel the anxiety and hurt felt by the Land. In conclusion, the poet seems to confront us the dire situation faced by the indigenous Australians. The poet might be suggesting that we should treat humans equally and fairly as we are all part of this global family. In conclusion, the indigenous Australians should forgive and not forget. The poet might be suggesting that we should treat humans equally fair as we are part of this global family. This will ensure a better future for the next generation as hatred in the indigenous Australians towards each other will not be passed down

Friday, October 25, 2019

Health and Diet Essay -- essays research papers

Health and Diet Abstract: With my personal life experience I'd like to clarify that a healthy diet and physical exercises help to lose weight. This passage introduces some scientific means to keep fit and, from both sides, indicates the effection that it may have brought along. Another point is that one should choose an appropriate way according to his personal case. Frustration and troubles are often met, but how to deal with them depend on ourselves. What is cricial is about persistence, optimism and rationalism.  ¢Ãƒ ±.Introduction £Ã‚ ºKeeping-fit is sweeping us while some irrational ideas, rather than appropriate ways to lose fat are penetrating into our life. Most people don't employ scientific ways so that body was badly damaged, even never repaired automatically. We recommend appropriate ways which not only perform the function of losing weight, also continue to help to establish personal confidence. One could enjoy the whole process rather than sense some burden. This passage wants to tell us the importance of scientific means to keep fit and take some focus on emotional change when dieting.  ¢Ãƒ ².Body: Keeping fit, at any present time, may fill up your mind. Dieting and sports have come by, playing the theme of the life. Now our focus is on which way to be the best way for you to keep fit. In my grade 3 of senior high school, I weighed 80 KG. I had been embarrassed to be of that kind of figure, when looking at myself, let alone when accepting others ¡Ã‚ ¯ unusual sight and ...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Educational achievement Essay

Educational institutions have two basic functions. On the one hand, they act as agencies of socialisation, transmitting social rules, norms and values; on the other hand, they are mechanisms of allocation, channels for selecting and training people to fill the many occupations of industrial economies. This dual function of socialisation and allocation is fulfilled to some degree by all educational systems. However, in a society with a complex division of labour there is often a contradiction between the two functions of socialisation and allocation. This essay will use both Marxist and Functionalist perspectives to question the educational system. Educational policies after the Second World War were primarily concerned with facilitating greater, and more equal, access to educational qualifications. This was attempted in R A Butlers 1944 Educational Act which sought to make entry to selective schools and universities meritocratic, that is dependent on ability rather than social status or wealth. The Act proposed a system in which children would be transferred at the age of eleven to grammar, secondary modern, or technical schools according to their ‘age, aptitude and ability’. Grammar schools continued to be seen as superior and biased towards middle class males due to the academic subjects, Mathematics (traditionally a male subject) and English being the key indicators used to measure the students. Since we have simple tests of discovering children’s natures (and there are luckily two varieties of these) we can perfectly easily tailor the schooling they get to suit these natures. Such a position accords a pretty self fulfilling and pessimistic function to education, and the fact this process of division has always produced a high correlation with the division between middle class and working class children simply serves to confirm the appropriateness of the division in the first place. ( Miller, 1992 pg. 15 ). The above quotation highlights how the commonly held attitudes towards the working class only reinforced the class distinction. Talcott Parsons stated in his writing on education its † Functions to allocate these human resources within the role structure of adult society†, (Haralambos and Holborn, Sociology Themes and Perspectives 1995 pg. 729). Perhaps if the government had built a larger quantity of technical colleges then the education system would have been more successful in allocating individuals into work roles that match their abilities. By its very nature the eleven plus looked at student’s academic skills completely ignoring student’s personal abilities. Whereas in the education systems of Germany and Japan, in the same period, the majority of students took a vocational path in order to secure educational success. Perhaps this is why their societies achieved greater industrial and economic accomplishment (Abercrombie, Warde Contemporary British Society 1994 pg. 350). Equally, successful entry to a grammar school was not guaranteed if the student had passed their eleven plus exam, this was due to the limited number of places. If we compare the number of grammar schools in Surrey, (which is known for its large percentage of upper and middle class), to the number in the industrial Midlands (with its high population of working class), there is proportionally less number of places for students, therefore making the educational system largely a postcode lottery. It is sighted in Plummer’s ‘Failing Working Class Girls’, that not only did grammar schools have better teachers but also superior buildings and resources- An overwhelming proportion of working class children were being educated in elementary schools. Their inferior buildings and resources, lack of graduate teachers and limited curriculum, compared badly with the better resourced secondary grammar and fee paying schools, attended mostly by children from middle class backgrounds. (Plummer 2000 pg. 15). From the 1960’s onwards, education was increasingly measured in terms of economics i. e. as an institution of national interests rather than personal fulfilment. During this period racial and ethnic minority groups entered the debates, due to immigration becoming more prevalent. It was assumed that children coming from these backgrounds needed to become like the white populous as quickly as possible therefore little genuine progress was made (Finch, 1984). Perhaps this is due to the nature of the curriculum for example, history lessons concentrating on white European perspective with often-fanciful representations of ethnic cultures. Equally teachers and local authorities did not understand their growing presence in schools and it emerged that in some schools, Head teachers were refusing to admit more black pupils (Donald and Rattansi, ‘Race’, Culture and Difference, 1992 pg. 14). Professor John Rex, a leading figure in British Race Relations Research, accused ‘black youth’ of being â€Å"arrogant, rumbustious and contempurious† and having â€Å"†¦ a certain fascination for violence†. (Rex, New Debates in Black Politics 1990 pg. 18 and 33). It’s hardly surprising that these students felt marginalised. In addition under achievement of ethnic groups appeared to be over looked- †¦ many of the teachers indicated they had never considered seriously the apparent failure or under achievement of working class or black children in the education system. (Lee, Pride and Prejudice; Teachers, Class and an Inner City Infants School, 1987 pg. 108). Girls coming from an ethnic minority are not the only group held back from achieving their full potential – equally white girls coming from middle class backgrounds feel this. Even today, the dominant (arguably unconscious) ideologies to reinforce cultural norms of gender behaviour (Walker and Barton, 1983); both pupils and staff give these norms in schools. Girls are not expected to do as well, are not brought up to be assertive to the same level as their male counterparts, and therefore tend to underachieve and blame themselves for it (Light and Dwek, 1987). Staff praise different qualities. Until very recently girls choices in curriculum activities were limited, they were encouraged to veer away from scientific or technical subjects; Deem 1978 sights girls examination result successes tend to be in art subjects, which have limited value for entry into employment and therefore lead females down a different route in further education. The format of exams themselves and other measures of curricular achievement are biased towards males e. g. multiple choice tests are geared towards ‘male logic’ than ‘female’ abilities. Issues such as these highlight the importance that moves are made to alter prejudice expectations and the way assessments are undertaken; including educating teachers to understand their own biases, promoting a change in the expectations of girls so they can achieve what is really within their interests and capabilities. Another area in which the education system is failing today is the treatment of those to be deemed as special needs. The 1988 Education Act defined this by ‘learning difficulty that calls for special educational provision to be made’. This definition obviously makes some comparison with a ‘norm’, this norm is not specified and different education authorities have different averages. Although steps are being taken to move away from labelling since the 1983 Warnock Report many such pupils are still educated separately within schools themselves or special schools together, this again becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Barton and Tomlinson (1981) ask, ‘ at which point does caring become controlling? ‘ this is due to current attitudes that problems are psychological, rather than social and pupils are categorised. Despite the promises of the 1940’s Act and the many worthwhile reports that have been commissioned (and largely ignored), still the education system in Britain is riddled with inequalities as set out above. The education system has lost its focus on personal fulfilment. Arguably the pupil has become a homogenised asset to be utilised in the interest of economic progress. If the child does not meet this criteria then they are virtually excluded to protect the accepted norms that society seeks to reinforce on tomorrow’s world. In the ideal situation school children will learn a variety of skills throughout their schooling, to aid his or hers development to achieve their full potential. By the time a young person leaves school at whatever age suits their abilities and aspirations, they should be a self confident and fulfilled individual. Each individual should have gained a wealth of knowledge, motivation for further development, life skills and exam success, which realistically reflects their capabilities. Equally a pupil should have had the opportunity to form friendships with peers and to have built relationships with teaching staff, thus providing a positive image of society at all levels. Everyone should have been exposed to new ideas and activities. This is an ideal; how many people having experienced the British Education system would relate their own schooling to this statement? For many this statement is totally alien to their experiences due to the inherent prejudices the institution reinforces such as the class structure, racism, sexism, beaurocracy and commercialism of schools. It is evident that British schooling has changed considerably since 1945, in many ways there has been great improvement for the majority of pupils. However still today there are a significant group covering ethnic minorities, girls and Special Educational Needs pupils who have largely been over looked so far. If Britain is to make the most from its human resources it is vital that attitudes change so that the individuals’ potential, which is currently ignored, may be fulfilled. Bibliography Miller, J. , 1992, More Has Meant Women: The Feminisation of Schooling, Institute of Education and London: Tufnell PressParsons, T. , 1995, Haralambos, M & Holborn, M. , Sociology Themes and Perspectives. Fourth edition. London: Collins Educational Abercrombie, N & Warde, A. , 1994, Contemporary British Society. Second Edition. Cambridge: Blackwell Publishers. Plummer, G, 2000, Failing Working Class Girls. Stoke-On-Trent, Trentham Books. Finch J. , 1984,’Its Great To Have Someone To Talk To’: The Ethics and Politics of Interviewing Women’, in C. Bell and Robert (eds) Social Researching: Politics, Problems, Practice, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. Donald J. , Rattansi A,.1992, ‘Race’ Culture & Difference, London, Sage Publications. Rex J. , 1990, Debates in Black Politics, Warwick, Warwick University. Lee, J. , 1987, Pride and Prejudice: Teachers, Class and an Inner City Infants School, in m. Lawn and G. Grace (eds) Teachers: The Cultural and Politics of Work, Lewes: Falmer Press O’Donnell G. , 1985, Mastering Sociology, Basingstoke, The Macmillan Press. Pugh, M,. 1994, State & Society A Social and Political History of Britain 1870-1997, London, Arnold Publishers. Other Sources: Campaign for Real Education web-site – www. cre. org. uk Word Count 1,691.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

ww1 commentary essays

ww1 commentary essays War is both a time of triumph and devastation. It is a time that can bring either tears of joy or tears of sorrow to a mothers eyes. War separates the men from the boys and that is why so many teenagers sought to fight for their country. They all fought to defend the honor of their country and to try to show that they can survive the rugged and harsh conditions. Reality did not quite hit these boys, until they found themselves fending for their own lives. Like many of these naive teenagers, their parents are also unaware of what is happening on the battlefield because the news is usually somewhat sugarcoated. Many British poets helped expose the grim realities of war and did not always receive positive feedback. The experiences and writings of British poets such as Rosenberg, Owen, and Sassoon, brought forth both negative and positive criticism and ultimately helped shape early 20th century views on war. Throughout the early 20th century, hostilities between countries such as Austria and Serbia started to grow. It was not until the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the heir Austro-Hungarian throne, did the war begin. Ferdinand was assassinated on June 28, 1914 in Sarajeva by a Serbian (Duffy 1). The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand is what triggered the war. It was used to justify the war, when in reality, the war seemed almost inevitable. As the war progressed, alliances started to form. The Allies Powers included Romania, Russia, Serbia, United States of America, Belgium, France, Great Britain, Greece, Italy, Japan, Montenegro, and Portugal (Moore 1). The Allies Powers went against the Central Powers which included Austria, Hungary-Bulgaria, Germany, and the Ottoman Empire (Central 1). Predicting the outcome of the war is quite simple after looking at which countries fought on which side and comparing the amount of countries on each side. Also after a series of fatal moves made by the Central ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Unilateraism essays

Unilateraism essays Advantages and Disadvantages of Unilateralism in Resolving Conflict There are many sources of unilateralism. Some people think that being unilateral is something good, a type of leadership. Others see it as a problem, as a country trying to implement his believes and wants to others without considering their needs or points of view just to obtain their own good. Therefore, I will be discussing, the advantages and disadvantages of taking decisions, implementing foreign policies, and taking actions toward other countries without any regard for the views of allies. When talking about unilateralism the first country that comes to my mind is the United States of America. It is very well known that other countries have also been utilitarian. But, the US is the country that has taken the most actions toward others without the support of its allies, especially after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. When a country starts acting unilaterally, is because he wants to fix differences and problems of a specific situation. Or at least that is what the government says to people to keep them calm. However, the majority of people do not agree with this kind of impositions. The United States is the worlds only superpower, so powerful that no country dares to harm its interests in a direct confrontation. The U.S. can afford unilateralism because the costs of acting by itself are so small that it wouldnt damage its economy. This allows strong determinations from Bushs foreign team to please their desire to try to rule world politics. President George W. Bush says that leaders get very few positive responses to many consultations that he have maid. Therefore, he takes resolutions by his own. Consequently, foreign leaders feel left out without any influences and believe that Bush is not interested in common interests and working on common problems. ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

3 Sentences with Flawed Parallel Construction

3 Sentences with Flawed Parallel Construction 3 Sentences with Flawed Parallel Construction 3 Sentences with Flawed Parallel Construction By Mark Nichol In each of the following sentences, an attempt to make a list within a sentence has gone awry. Discussion after each example explains the problem, and one or two revisions suggest solutions. 1. We have specific plans about what we are going to do, how and when. This sentence implies a list consisting of â€Å"what we are going to do, how we are going to do them, and when we are going to do them,† but it elides one word too many: â€Å"We have specific plans about what we are going to do, and how and when.† 2. He holds various roles, from celebrated guest, martial arts envoy, unofficial chargà © d’affaires, and even close confidant. If what appears to be a list of associated nouns or noun phrases is preceded by from, it is not a list, but a range that includes one or more intermediate parameters, so from should be complemented by to, and the sentence must be further revised so that parameters are connected with conjunctions, thereby combining to be clearly associated with either to or from: â€Å"He holds various roles, from celebrated guest to martial arts envoy and unofficial chargà © d’affaires, and even close confidant. Alternatively, revise the sentence slightly to avoid the range construction altogether: â€Å"He holds various roles, including celebrated guest, martial arts envoy, unofficial chargà © d’affaires, and even close confidant.† 3. The company has embarked on the initiative with the objectives of process improvement, increased automation, compliance with internal and public company requirements, and to support future growth. The grammatical structure of the final list item is inconsistent with those preceding it- it alone includes an infinitive phrase (â€Å"to support†)- so revise it to match the others by shifting support from a verb to a noun: â€Å"The company has embarked on the initiative with the objectives of process improvement, increased automation, compliance with internal and public company requirements, and support of future growth.† Alternatively, convert the third item to a final item by inserting a conjunction before it, then make what was the final item a distinct phrase by inserting an of before it to make it parallel with the list (which is preceded by of) and changing the form of the verb: â€Å"The company has embarked on the initiative with the objectives of process improvement, increased automation, and compliance with internal and public company requirements and of supporting future growth.† Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Incorrect Pronunciations That You Should AvoidHomonyms, Homophones, Homographs and HeteronymsPunctuation Is Powerful

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Hope vs Expectations Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Hope vs Expectations - Term Paper Example The author has stressed that hope and expectations of the people within the organization are the most important factors that have direct impact on their performance outcome as well as that of the organization. The expectations of the people and their hope are issues that may have wider ramifications on the performance as they may encompass diverse objectives and meanings. The expectations are about how things should be whereas hope is how people would like the things to be. According to the author while the expectations and hopes are two different aspects of decision making, good leadership within the organization can bring them together to form a teamwork that is united in its goals and efforts. Leadership in all areas assumes special meaning because it motivates and encourages collective decision making and ensures effective communication with the employees with shared vision of the common goals. The leadership encourages creativity and innovative practices that give a unique perspective to participatory approach of management by developing positive attitude. The author says that ‘think yourself as an agent of hope, call people to invoke their hopefulness and not their fear (xi). Strong communication skill and intrinsic understanding of human nature become vital factors that inspire people to give their best and work together to produce a cohesive output representing the organization’s unique objectives and goals. Leadership qualities have become vital tools to encourage people’s participation in the overall strategy of having collective goals through shared learning. They motivate and encourage their people so that their hopes and expectations converge to become common goals. That is the reason that effective team work constitutes one of the most important factors that make valuable contribution to the organization promoting a

Friday, October 18, 2019

How might the U.S. relationship with Asia be different if the U.S. war Essay

How might the U.S. relationship with Asia be different if the U.S. war in Iraq ended What about Afghanistan - Essay Example Pulling out of Iraq and perhaps even Afghanistan will perhaps lead to some form of ease in the countries neighboring the two. Pakistanis and Iranians are ill at ease with the Americans so close to their borders especially since the American drones are constantly crossing borders to bomb targets in the Pakistani tribal region (n.a 2010). Pulling out of the two occupied countries will definitely help the US focus its resources in areas that need it. The economy of the nation is staggering and needs to be focused and prioritized and perhaps the pulling out will also help relations with Asian nations who don’t feel that the close proximity of the American troops is a sign of concern. Works Cited Liang, Yan. US looks to Asia after Iraq withdrawal. September 2, 2010. (accessed February 14, 2011). n.a. "22 drone attacks in Pakistan in September." GEO. September 29, 2010. (accessed Febru ary 14, 2011).

Cinematography Attributes Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Cinematography Attributes - Assignment Example This scene shows a close up of the character. This is done to make the character appear more personal. Since this is an indoor shot, the light appears only from one angle, which is supposed to represent the window. The composition of the scene makes it instantly recognizable as an office scene. The formal attire, the office chair, and the wooden furniture send out a clear signal of an office setting. In this scene, the two actors are involved in an intimate scene. In order to strengthen this feeling of intimacy, the lights are induced from behind which casts the figures in shadows and brings out their silhouette. This is a medium shot where viewers are able to see beyond the character’s portraits. In this scene, the figures stand in the middle of the composition which makes them the center figure of attention. In this scene, the character stands slightly off center. Furthermore, the figure is cast in shadows. The scene is brighter on the left side where the Christmas lights are being lit. The right side of the character’s profile is set in shadow because there is no source of light on the right.

Determining Best Practices of Effective School Communication Dissertation

Determining Best Practices of Effective School Communication - Dissertation Example As the purpose of the study is to research highly dependable communicative means to be used by schools, it is also the aim of this study to validate that motivation of the parents help school-going students to perform better. The introduction to the topic includes a background to the research topic of determining best practices of effective school communication, the problem statement, the purpose statement, research questions, theoretical framework, nature of the research, scope of the research, its assumptions, limitations and delimitations, besides the importance of the research work in the context of its implications for social change, ending in the summary of the introduction. Research Theory and Research Strategy Methodology for the research is theory based, totally depending on qualitative research method for the analysis of the conducted research. A qualitative research needs to comprehend processes, happenings, and connections between them from social and cultural perspective s. Qualitative research demands no numerical calculations to prove the facts, as it is based on direct information availing from people and social communities in favorable surroundings (Sociology, 2003). As my research is based on similar tenets of interviewing parents on how communication level with school teachers can be enhanced and find out the causes of their inactivity in participation, the qualitative research method is the right choice. My research strategy will be segregated into three phases, first is the introductory phase, which will be followed by the second phase, the main event, after which validation, the third phase will take off. In the first phase the concept of effective school communication with given objectives of the research will be marked for piloting. The distinct aspect of qualitative research is that it helps in explaining the topic and understanding the issues in natural settings on the basis of the experiences, beliefs, and thinking of all participants (Sociology, 2003). The interview of participating parents in the first stage will help in briefing the parents the purpose of the interview in the informal way. The second phase will touch all the research questions deeply, to elicit participants’ opinions on each one of all the five research questions. As the research design of my methodology is observer-participant, the data description will state the behavior, reaction, and practices of the parents. Parents’ answers will be analyzed to get relevant inputs (Sociology, 2003). My role of observing the parents will be very significant here, to correctly state their views and experiences. I need to be friendly enough with the participating parents to create the perfect setting where they express their anguish or appreciation of the school administration without any inhibitions. Further, my qualitative phenomenological research will help in discussing the singular critical question, as experienced by various participants. The phenomenological methodology research strategy will assist me in understanding the parents’ perspectives, as observed from their angle. There are other methodological roots, as symbolic inter-action and ethnography, employed in qualitative field research but phenomenological

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Indigenous Education in Australia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Indigenous Education in Australia - Essay Example 1993). As an effect of broad community conversation and research, the Northern Territory Correctional Services (NTCS) in Australia documented that the wants of together the illegal and the community could be the majority outstanding addressed during an integrated approach to meddling and training delivery. Furthermore, during ending offending our message was the resultant proposal and it was officially launched in September 1999 (Heath, A.F. and Ridge, J. 2003, 169-84). This project focuses on as long as skills that are the majority suitable to the location and lifestyle of the person. The policy requires an ongoing dialogue among the program facilitator, training supplier, the member and his or her home community. No doubt, such education provides a focus for interference that range from matter abuse to community preservation. There are no additional education based institutions that provide the framework for training delivery, community involvement and participation (Harkness, S. 2005, 1 -36). Comparable training programs delivered within the custodial context are characterized by compartmentalization and limited opportunities for evolution. This program is designed to accommodate the changing needs of individual participants as well as the needs and expectations of the community. Sales of artwork and music generate an income that is given to the Victims of Crime Assistance League in line with the agency commitment to provide reparation (Daly, P. 2004). extra than 250 male as well as female inmates in Darwin in addition to Alice Springs correctional centers at present are concerned in this program, on behalf of 25 percent of the total prison inhabitants in the Northern Territory (NT) of Australia. Moreover, participants are creating stories, paintings, songs and music CDs that speak to alcohol and drug use and criminal. This product is marketplace via the Web site. The content of much of the music and artwork reflects the choices made by offenders prior to imprisonment, the effect of their crimes on victims and the realities of prison life. all through this "world first" proposal, participants undertake countrywide attributed Vocational Education plus Training (VET) in areas such as literacy, music and art manufacturing skills, computing, woodwork and trades (Heath, A.F. and McMahon, D. 2005). Participants are enrolled in countrywide accredited modules and units from the subsequent courses: arts and crafts, entry-level music manufac turing skills, general building, broad education, preliminary vocational education, and access to employment and additional study, and national workplace skills (Cheng, Y. and Heath, A.F. 2003 , 151-66). Foremost factors linked with offending and recidivism in the NT are limited employment prospects, low education levels and unsafe levels of drug use. Collaboration among the Prisoner Education Unit and the Alcohol and Other Drugs Unit ensures that the interference addresses offending behavior and, at the similar time, delivers exact VET learning result and competencies. Alcohol-related offenses account for approximately 70 percent of all

Movie Titanic Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Titanic - Movie Review Example He wrote: "In the wake of the Titanicmania, several critics took on these broader questions. Frank Rich observed in the New York Times that Titanic "was destined to be truer to 1997 than 1912, no matter how faithfully the director, James Cameron, reproduced every last brandy sniffer of the White Star Line." One of the primary accurate accounts that the movie faithfully acknowledged off from the RMS Titanic was the date setting that the movie took place of. In the movie it was noted that the first launching of the supposed extravagant ship was in April 14, 1912 - the exact date of the launch of the TMS Titanic recorded in history. The gigantic putrid ship under the ocean was shown when group of treasure hunters explored the location of the sunken ship. The 2000 feet deep sunken ship being shown throughout the movie was actually the real footage of the Titanic that James Cameron have taken in 1995, before the production began (Berardinelli 1997). From the start, the acknowledgement of the real Titanic was implied by Cameron for primarily depicting the real one rather than the production's improvised version of it. This is apparently a sign of respect for the accuracy of the image of the ship, and also a point of accuracy regarding its image. Social Setting. Titanic represents the transition of the social condition during the real RMS Titanic's period by splitting its body in two when it was then persistently sinking, upon the film's depiction. The period then was apparently dealing on a scheme of the boundaries between the upper-class and the lower-class, and the period did really exist in social history. The status was visible upon the characterization of the main leads of the movie through Jack Dawson, played by Leonardo Di Carpio, and Rose Dewitt Bukater played by Kate Winslet. Although struggling in status, Rose belongs to the upper-class, while Jack belongs to the lower-class, both aboard in the remarkable ship though in different decks, denoting their statuses. Another historically accurate in sociological ground of the movie is the stereotypical setting during the period that hindered intimate connections between the rich and the poor, such as the sort of "forbidden love" case between Jack and Rose. Marriage of the rich families somehow became a trend then to secure one another's social status or wealth in society. The fictional character Rose had been dealing was a factual social pressure during that era when she was being forced by her socially-threatened mother to be married to the character that Billy Zane being portrayed, Caledon Hockley, the rich fiance of Rose. Upon prior meeting with Jack, Rose was already reluctant to be wed with Caledon, but she was being strained by conditioning of her mother to marry him to keep their status in the Alta society - many similar cases had been cited in the history at the period (Chumo 1999). Characters. The two lead characters are well known to be fictitious, which Cameron honestly claimed as to be. However, some real significant characters recorded from the history were given to life in the film, and fairly built up with characterizations that were based on their immediate descriptions from history as well - of what they were famous of. They were depicted upon the fictional scenes

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Determining Best Practices of Effective School Communication Dissertation

Determining Best Practices of Effective School Communication - Dissertation Example As the purpose of the study is to research highly dependable communicative means to be used by schools, it is also the aim of this study to validate that motivation of the parents help school-going students to perform better. The introduction to the topic includes a background to the research topic of determining best practices of effective school communication, the problem statement, the purpose statement, research questions, theoretical framework, nature of the research, scope of the research, its assumptions, limitations and delimitations, besides the importance of the research work in the context of its implications for social change, ending in the summary of the introduction. Research Theory and Research Strategy Methodology for the research is theory based, totally depending on qualitative research method for the analysis of the conducted research. A qualitative research needs to comprehend processes, happenings, and connections between them from social and cultural perspective s. Qualitative research demands no numerical calculations to prove the facts, as it is based on direct information availing from people and social communities in favorable surroundings (Sociology, 2003). As my research is based on similar tenets of interviewing parents on how communication level with school teachers can be enhanced and find out the causes of their inactivity in participation, the qualitative research method is the right choice. My research strategy will be segregated into three phases, first is the introductory phase, which will be followed by the second phase, the main event, after which validation, the third phase will take off. In the first phase the concept of effective school communication with given objectives of the research will be marked for piloting. The distinct aspect of qualitative research is that it helps in explaining the topic and understanding the issues in natural settings on the basis of the experiences, beliefs, and thinking of all participants (Sociology, 2003). The interview of participating parents in the first stage will help in briefing the parents the purpose of the interview in the informal way. The second phase will touch all the research questions deeply, to elicit participants’ opinions on each one of all the five research questions. As the research design of my methodology is observer-participant, the data description will state the behavior, reaction, and practices of the parents. Parents’ answers will be analyzed to get relevant inputs (Sociology, 2003). My role of observing the parents will be very significant here, to correctly state their views and experiences. I need to be friendly enough with the participating parents to create the perfect setting where they express their anguish or appreciation of the school administration without any inhibitions. Further, my qualitative phenomenological research will help in discussing the singular critical question, as experienced by various participants. The phenomenological methodology research strategy will assist me in understanding the parents’ perspectives, as observed from their angle. There are other methodological roots, as symbolic inter-action and ethnography, employed in qualitative field research but phenomenological

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Movie Titanic Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Titanic - Movie Review Example He wrote: "In the wake of the Titanicmania, several critics took on these broader questions. Frank Rich observed in the New York Times that Titanic "was destined to be truer to 1997 than 1912, no matter how faithfully the director, James Cameron, reproduced every last brandy sniffer of the White Star Line." One of the primary accurate accounts that the movie faithfully acknowledged off from the RMS Titanic was the date setting that the movie took place of. In the movie it was noted that the first launching of the supposed extravagant ship was in April 14, 1912 - the exact date of the launch of the TMS Titanic recorded in history. The gigantic putrid ship under the ocean was shown when group of treasure hunters explored the location of the sunken ship. The 2000 feet deep sunken ship being shown throughout the movie was actually the real footage of the Titanic that James Cameron have taken in 1995, before the production began (Berardinelli 1997). From the start, the acknowledgement of the real Titanic was implied by Cameron for primarily depicting the real one rather than the production's improvised version of it. This is apparently a sign of respect for the accuracy of the image of the ship, and also a point of accuracy regarding its image. Social Setting. Titanic represents the transition of the social condition during the real RMS Titanic's period by splitting its body in two when it was then persistently sinking, upon the film's depiction. The period then was apparently dealing on a scheme of the boundaries between the upper-class and the lower-class, and the period did really exist in social history. The status was visible upon the characterization of the main leads of the movie through Jack Dawson, played by Leonardo Di Carpio, and Rose Dewitt Bukater played by Kate Winslet. Although struggling in status, Rose belongs to the upper-class, while Jack belongs to the lower-class, both aboard in the remarkable ship though in different decks, denoting their statuses. Another historically accurate in sociological ground of the movie is the stereotypical setting during the period that hindered intimate connections between the rich and the poor, such as the sort of "forbidden love" case between Jack and Rose. Marriage of the rich families somehow became a trend then to secure one another's social status or wealth in society. The fictional character Rose had been dealing was a factual social pressure during that era when she was being forced by her socially-threatened mother to be married to the character that Billy Zane being portrayed, Caledon Hockley, the rich fiance of Rose. Upon prior meeting with Jack, Rose was already reluctant to be wed with Caledon, but she was being strained by conditioning of her mother to marry him to keep their status in the Alta society - many similar cases had been cited in the history at the period (Chumo 1999). Characters. The two lead characters are well known to be fictitious, which Cameron honestly claimed as to be. However, some real significant characters recorded from the history were given to life in the film, and fairly built up with characterizations that were based on their immediate descriptions from history as well - of what they were famous of. They were depicted upon the fictional scenes

Research Sources Essay Example for Free

Research Sources Essay In reference to our text book, primary sources of secondary research include audio, video, or written transcripts of original research speeches in entirety, and raw data that has not been interpreted. Primary sources serve as the best sources as they have not been diluted with thoughts or interpretations of another source. Laws, court documents, census, human resource records, are primary sources. Primary sources are most trustworthy and valuable sources of data. Secondary sources are the interpretation of the primary sources listed above. Secondary sources come in the form of newspaper articles, textbooks, and the news reports that we are able to watch daily. Secondary sources are filtered primary sources and the second most valuable source of information. Examples of tertiary sources are represented by what we use today on the internet such as Google and Bing. Tertiary sources of secondary research are the least valuable resource. The problems of secondary data quality that researchers must face concern the data’s integrity. The effective researcher would want to evaluate their information sources such as the internet. The important aspects of such an evaluation are; the source’s purpose, the researcher wants to uncover its agenda and whether or not the purpose is affected by biases; the scope, in which the researcher determines the inclusion of details such as the depth of the criteria, how updated it is and whether or not the information provided is biased; authority, which lets the researcher know the level of data and credentials of the source or author; the audience, which explains the background of those whom the information is intended for; and the format, which explains how the information is arranged, and whether or not it was presented in a helpful and easy to locate design for the researcher to obtain. Qualitative research differs from quantitative research in that quantitative research dealt with the precise measurements of the subject, whereas qualitative research goes deeper into exp laining or focusing on the why and how situations happen the way they do. Some examples of the qualitative research include focus groups, individual interviews, and observations. Qualitative research focuses on the feelings, emotions, perceptions, and motivations of situations. Quantitative research on the other hand measures opinions, behaviors, and knowledge. In this week’s reading, it was confirmed that some managers prefer quantitative data, because it is less likely subjected to human biases and errors. Quantitative research is used greatly for testing theories, while qualitative research is used primarily for the development of new products, managing benefits, and performance management functions such as boosting productivity. The book describes qualitative research as being based on the aspect of phenomenon in a situation, versus the quantitative or mathematical aspect. Data from qualitative research differs from data from quantitative research, because quantitative data is solely rooted in the aspect of probability; and qualitative data deals with the methodologies, which incite better and deeper understanding. Qualitative data explains how and why things are happening, and does not sample the probable. Qualitative data comes from sources such as anthropology, psychology, sociology, communications, economics, linguistics, and semiotics. Qualitative data comes from focus groups and sometimes interviews. The Gallup workplace survey is considered qualitative researched data. In my o rganization, we have to develop focus groups to develop ways to give our organization superior scores, so we have to develop ways to make the employees â€Å"feel good† about where they work. The survey asks questions that have to do with the way people feel. Like, someone encourages their development at work, they have a best friend at work, and if they trust their employer. Being a manufacturer of small kitchen electronics such as Hamilton Beach or Proctor Silex, and I want to determine if some innovative designs with unusual shapes and colors developed for the European market would work for the U.S. market, the qualitative research I would most likely recommend is sampling. More specifically, I would choose purposive and convenience sampling. This way, we would have access to new and willing consumers, with a fresh mind to the organizations creative new products. Interviewing individual people or focus groups do not seem promising when there is the introduction of a new product to consider, because many people are less likely to express their creativity in using unconventional products with others. However if offered the ability to sample a new product, people are more likely to try it before they buy it, most people can be talked out of buying a new product

Monday, October 14, 2019

Limitations of Qualitative Research

Limitations of Qualitative Research Discuss The Strengths And Limitations Of Quantitative And Qualitative Data In Supporting Knowledge Claims In The Human Sciences And At Least One Other Area Of Knowledge. Theres no such thing as qualitative data. Everything is either 1 or 0†(Fred Kerlinger) All research ultimately has a qualitative grounding(Donald Campbell) Based on what Kerlinger and Campbell said, we can see different angle of views on quantitative data and qualitative data. From Kerlinger points of view, he rejected qualitative data totally but Donald in the other hand said that the basic of all research is qualitative data. One question arises is why do this two contradict views occurred? Before answering the question, a depth understanding on how this two data works should be done at the first place. When we think about quantitative data, immediately our powerful photographic memories will recall everything that deals with numbers such as height, weight and many more. When the word qualitative data comes across our mind, we will think about something which are descriptive such as colours, beauty and so on. Qualitative data can be obtained by the qualitative research which may save the researcher from making inappropriate assumptions as they proceed to design another stage of their work. What is the significant of this two data in human lives? Basically, quantitative data and qualitative data information are evidence to support ones claim. Without the existence of this two data, the validity of a research is unacceptable because of there are no evidence to support the claims. By using our common sense, ask ourselves, can we immediately believe something is said to be true without any supporting data? The answer is exactly no. To answer the first question, the contradiction of views occur is due to the strengths and limitations of both data. Therefore, to get a clear view on how do these quantitative and qualitative data are used as the supporting evidence, we shall discuss in this in the perspective of human science. Human science is about same universal principles, processes and patterns govern and underlie human activities in different fields such as psychology, social and cultural anthropology, economic and many more. Dealing with human being is never going to be an easy task because human are very complex. The complexities of the human being has lead to the a new branch of science which is human science in order to study the behavior of human. One of the behavior that is crucial to be passed on from one generation to other generation of human being is politeness. Reader Digest has came out with a ranking of the most courteous to the least courteous city in the its January 2008 article. New York city, USA was crowned to be the most courteous. On what basis does Readers Digest magazine came out with this ranking ? To establish this ranking, Readers Digest magazine team has set up a test called Politeness Test to prove the truth behind a statement made by Lynne Truss, an author of bestselling book â€Å"Talk to the Hand† which was 70 percent of US people are ruder now than they were 20 years ago. To measure politeness of a human being is a challenging task. However, there is always a way to measure it. The simplest way to measure this is by naturalistic observational method. To apply this method, the reporter of the Readers Digest magazine had set up three tests and one of them was â€Å"document drops† (who would help them retrieve a pile of â€Å"accidently† dropped papers) For consistency, Starbucks Coffee shop was chosen to be the venue of the test. By observing the behavior of the New Yorkers who entered the coffee shop, many perceptions were made by the reporters. For example, people who was willing to pick up the â€Å"accidently † dropped document was conside red as people who had courtesy. The question is, to what extent this qualitative data obtained from the naturalistic observation method is sufficient enough to establish the ranking? The qualitative data is valid because the biggest strength of the method is it shows realistic situation. The realism of qualitative data can be obtained because the observer cannot easily change or introduce a new stimuli into the situation. However, the major weakness of this method is the risk of biasness of the observer. During the observation, the reporter of Readers Digest magazine might be influenced by emotion when observing the rudeness of people. Therefore, this will lead to the inability to draw a correct conclusion of the observation. However, in order to make the politeness test more valid, we need a set of quantitative data to support the qualitative data. The quantitative data can be obtained by establishing a corelational research. This research is structured by introducing two variables and how they interrelated. Therefore a statistical model is carried out to prove the relation between two variables. For example, let the variables be â€Å" number of who lift up the file† and â€Å" the level of courtesy† and test whether they are independent or dependent for each sample taken from a sample population of New Yorkers. The statistics data in forms of percentage will give a strong base to support the Readers Digest Politeness Test. Since politeness is a very subjective matter, this quantitative data also cannot stand alone. Hence both data are needed in supporting this claim. 2008 is the year where economic crisis hit the world. The developed countries were facing hard times because of the many business had to shut down because of the stagnant falling of demand since people controlled the expenses. In the economy cycle, the economist predicted that recession will hit for eleven months in ten years. However, this prediction is inaccurate because recent recession hit economy only in five months. This occur because economist also is in anticipation and future is uncertainties. During economic recession, exports and imports of business are slowed down and the country will experience high rate of unemployment. For the poor country, the recession gave a big impact such as increase in the rate of poverty since many  labors were dismissed. From physicality aspect, we can observe how thin the people in the poor country when economic recession hits the world. However, this qualitative data is not enough to support the economy recession. Therefore, in order to make the claim more firm, quantitative data must be obtained from example, correlation method where two variables which are demand and supply are used. The correlation between both variables shows a clear picture of the worlds economy. The lower the demand, the lower the supply implies that demand is directly proportional supply. This will lead to reasoning part to explain why the demand is falling or rising. So things will fall in the right place the cause has been justified by reasoning. Nowadays, we have seen the emergence of the personality test on the net. Most of the current personality theories concern on the identification and measurement of the specific personality. (Zuckerman, Eysenck , Eysenck 1978 ). Lets look at personality test which is more valid. For example, Dr Campbell, a researcher on the human behavior from University of Michigan carried out a personality research which ion introversion and extroversion. People might say it is easy to distinguish those who are introverts and extroverts based on the way they communicate with the society. Yes, it is true that we can distinguish the introverts and extroverts by observing their communication skill, confidence level, the way they walk and so on. People can easily percept others based on their attitude and this kind of attitude is taken as qualitative data .Again, there might be biasness in judging people. Therefore, Dr Campbell used theoretical treatments of introversion and extroversion in order to support the qualitative data. He applied the corelational method. He came out with two variables â€Å" introversion/extroversion† and â€Å"experience seeking†. A sample of his college students were given a personality scale wish measures the relationship of the variables. According to the theory, extroverts should seek for outside stimulation whilst the introverts seek the inner stimulation. To visualize the relationships, he used Eysenck Personality Inventory and Zuckermans sensation seeking scales in order to plot the data. From there, a quantitative data can be obtained to distinguish to support the qualitative data. However, the test is too objective and there might be possibilities that the sample of college students did not do the test seriously. Art demands a critical thinking in order for us not to be easily swept away along unthinkingly into its pleasures or reject it as a knowledge . In creating the feelings and beliefs, the arts certainly do not avoid knowledge claims. For example, Leonardos famous Vitruvian man drawing represents standard physicality of a human being. What is meant by standard physicality of human being? From observation method, we know a normal human being will have two hands, two legs a head and so forth. Human being is a unique creature and hence we have to explore the entire human being by using our critical and creative thinking. This Vitruvian  man drawing has all characteristics of a normal human being. This contributes to the qualitative data. Different human being has different lengths of hands, legs and so on. Does this reason enough to prove the uniqueness of a human being? Leonardo Da Vinci was the first person who look the uniqueness of from different angle. The Vitruvian man drawing portrays the standard proportion of human body. It was the version produced by Leonardo Da Vinci, who has a vast knowledge of both anatomy and geometry made him uniquely suited to the task. Leonardos famous drawings of the Vitruvian proportions of a mans body first standing inscribed in a square and then with feet and arms outspread inscribed in a circle . By using logic ,he provides the simplest illustrations on shifting the â€Å"center of the magnitude† without a corresponding change of the â€Å"centre of the normal gravity†. This remains passing through the central line from the pit of the throat through the umbilicus and pubis between the legs. Leonardo repeatedly distinguishes these two different ‘centers of a body, which is the centers of ‘magnitude and ‘gravity (Keele 252).† The fundamental measure of 24 palms comes directly from Vitruvius definition of human height being 4 cubits or 24 palms. This quantitative data is a strong evidence to support the claim that human beings are unique. Sometimes the art themselves are not the truth but it leads us to the truth. Dancing is a part of art. It is indisputable dancing has its way of brightening up the persons day. From the aspect of health, dancing gives a significant impact in reducing stress and depression. For example, a person enters a dancing studio after facing a problem will have a brighter smile after going out of the studio. To determine whether our perception is true, we can carry out an interview in order to obtain self report from that particular person. Many questions can be asked such as â€Å"how do you feel after dancing?†and so forth. From his response, we come out with perception that he is stress free. However, this method is going to give us a weak qualitative data in order to support the claim. The interviewer might be bias during the interview session. Therefore, to justify the claim that dancing contributes in reducing stress and depression, an experiment can be carried out. The strength of the method is we have full authority in controlling our variables. For example, our variable is â€Å"number of dance† and â€Å"the number of anti depressant pills taken†. First of all, a sample of people who come problematic background has to be chosen. The hypothesis is, the greater number of dancing, the lower number anti depressant pills are being consumed. A statistical data can be obtained to support the claim. Hence, the validity of the of the claim saying that dancing can reduce stress is justifiable. Based on the justification above, I concluded that qualitative data and quantitative data play important roles on supporting the knowledge claims in human science and art. Some of the claims required both qualitative and quantitative data in order to support the claims. Although both of data have their own strengths and limitations, they are complementary each other in order to justify the every single things and events that occurs in our lives. I respect both views from Fred Kerlinger and Donald Campbell because both of the views are correct and applicable in our daily lives. There is no right or wrong on both views. It depends on situation in order to use qualitative data or quantitative data to support our knowledge claims. References â€Å" Qualitative vs Quantitative Research† â€Å" Qualitative vs Quantitative Research† Toby Murcott ; â€Å"Alternative medicine on trial?†;2005;New York;Macmillan;(page 97) Richard S.Lehman;†Statistic Design in the Behavioral Sciences†1991;Wadsworth Publishing Company,California(page 30) Richard S.Lehman;†Statistic Design in the Behavioral Sciences†1991;Wadsworth Publishing Company,California(page30) Richard S.Lehman;†Statistic Design in the Behavioral Sciences†1991;Wadsworth Publishing Company,California(page30) Richard S.Lehman;†Statistic Design in the Behavioral Sciences†1991;Wadsworth Publishing Company,California(page 28) Economics Course Companion Richard S.Lehman;†Statistic Design in the Behavioral Sciences†1991;Wadsworth Publishing Company,California(page 20) Richard S.Lehman;†Statistic Design in the Behavioral Sciences†1991;Wadsworth Publishing Company,California(page 20) Theory of Knowledge Course companion

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Essay example --

Thorfinn Karlsefni Exploring North America (980-1000’s): Thorfinn Karlsefni and his Scandinavian crew filled a ship with 65 men and 5 men in compliance to share the different goods found within the discovered lands. The crew arrived at Leifs-Booths discovering cattle, food, and other resourceful commodities, which they collected. Then set a sail they discovered a group of people known as â€Å"Skrellings† whom were found in Greenland. The colossal bulls in this new territory scared the cattle from Karlsefni’s ship. Both Karlsefni’s crew and the Skrellings were terrified by the anarchy and were trying to survive. However, not knowing each other’s language made the survival techniques that much more difficult, but eventually both were able to trade merchandises with each other. Thorfinn’s and his wife Gudrid son was later born. Eventually the Scandanivian colonists met no other people and left Vinland to return to Greenland. (137 Words) Europe’s Recovery in the 1400’s: Europe dealt with many burdening issues during the late 1300’s such as the Black Death and had also felt threatened by superior powers’ (Muslims) whom were wealthy, obtained advanced technology, and had overall supremacy. However, many European leaders still traded with Turkish and Muslim markets for valuable goods. Although the European leaders tried to find an alternative route they found that the publication of books would help assist fellow citizens to understand the history and disadvantages they had with the Far East. Undoubtedly the Europeans became more educated. Finally, the Prince Ferdinand and Queen Isabella defeated a Muslim principality in order to gain leadership and ultimately create Spain. Spain was more than accepting of the Italian immigrants. This app... ... slaves for the Spaniards. (158 Words) Hernan Cortes and the Conquistadores-(1500-1600’s): The conquistadores were known to privately enterprise different military leaders in order to make a profit. One of the more popular conquistadores Hernan Cortes was a leader of the Spanish Conquistadores. There were many different rankings, which established the wealth and value of each conquistador. This ranged from either an extremely wealthy noble man to poor, gambling slaves. Cortes was an officer from a lower class stance but in time he was able to attain an entire population of the valley â€Å"Oaxaca† to follow his rule. Having such governance Cortes was then able to lead an expedition, which nearly abolished the Aztec Empire. This expedition changed many less wealthy Spaniards perception into making them want to work harder and obtain more value in society. (124 Words)

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Essay --

According to Ullah (2010) stated selection is importance is given to select right workers for right position. Once a pool of candidates has been identified through the recruitment process the most appropriate candidate, or candidates are identified through a selection process including but not limited to interviewing, reference checking and testing. Workers make difference through their job performance because company is realizing the value of good employee. Hill (2005) stated the good workers of selection for MNCs who not only have the skill to perform particular jobs but also need to ‘fit’ the prevailing culture of the firm. Different of selection methods are used to identify the right worker. ‘Interview’ is a very useful tool to select right worker. Objective of selection process is to identify the candidates who are suitable for vacancy or wider requirement HR plan. First step of selection process is preliminary interview. Interviewer is accepting the referees’ report even with telephone interview, checking primary sources, obtaining corroborative information from institutional and other source. Telephone interview is to cut down on waste time.(Bassett, Ramesy, chan, 2010) Second step of selection process is review of applications and resumes. For example written or oral statement that addresses the selection criteria, referees’ reports and applicant’s resume/curriculum vitae to submit interviewer. (Patterson et al., 2005). Interviewer should review the application forms, resume, test scores (if any) and any correspondence that would be useful in understanding the candidate’s background. Resume of candidate is used as an attention- getter and a means for allowing to get his /her foot into the door. It can be considered as ... ...n is corporate turnover. Internal employees familiar with organization procedures, policies and culture. For example, employees will know about projected are organized, use of consensus building in the decision making process and how to conducted the meeting. External employee have to fulfills the skills and experience needed for a position but not fit into company culture. Contribution within the work organization is high efficiency and productivity. The workers choose through policy will perform their job very efficiency and effectively. Employee will increase the productivity to company. Otherwise, contribution within the work organization is high morale. Workers get job satisfaction from organization. Workers feel the organization reward hard working by offering an opportunity to take new responsibilities or move to a department in which a worker an interest.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Case Study Principles Of Management Education Essay

Introduction: Learning is a procedure. Learn mean know something freshly. It may get cognition, behavior and accomplishment. Human acquisition may happen as portion of instruction or personal development. Learning manners are a manner to assist better personal quality and accomplishments. This differs adult male to adult male. There are many learning manners ; ocular, logical, verbal etc. There are some theoretical accounts and manners in larning like as ‘TRAP ‘ theoretical account ‘VAK ‘ theoretical account and there are some known figures who presented their position for larning. As an illustration Kolb ‘s learning rhythm. Kolb ‘s learning rhythm: Kolb presented the following learning rhythm in 1984 which is called Kolb ‘s learning rhythm. Kolb ‘s experiential acquisition theory are today good known to faculty members, instructors, pupils, directors, and trainers and every bit good as others. Successively, Kolb ‘s acquisition manners theoretical accounts and Fundamental constructs towards our apprehension and explicating human larning behavior and towards assisting others to larn besides. He described larning system in two levels- a four phase rhythm and four-type definition of larning manners. Four phase rhythms is as below: Concrete experience ( making or holding an experience or CE ) Brooding observation ( reexamining or reflecting on the experience or RO ) Abstract conceptualization ( reasoning or larning from the experience or AC ) Active experimentation ( be aftering or seeking out what anyone has learned or AE ) And these four manners are the rhythm and that is every bit below:Figure: Kolb ‘s acquisition rhythmPage-3 ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) Four-type definition of larning manners, ( each stand foring the combination of two preferable manners from Kolb ‘s manner, it is like a two-by-two combination, harmonizing mathematical matrix regulations of the four-stage rhythm manners, as presented below ) , for which Kolb used the footings: Converging ( AC/AE ) Accommodating ( CE/AE ) Assimilating ( AC/RO ) Diverging ( CE/RO ) ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) Abstract conceptualization ( AC ) Concrete experience ( CE ) Active experimentation ( AE ) Converging ( AC/AE ) Accommodating ( CE/AE ) Brooding observation ( RO ) Assimilating ( AC/RO ) Diverging ( CE/RO ) We besides can stand for it as follows ;( Class talk and class stuffs )Active experimental – abstract conceptualization Active experimental – Concrete experience Brooding observation – Concrete experience Brooding observation – Concrete experience But this tabular array can be represent in many manner merely we have to administer Diverging ( CE/RO ) Assimilating ( AC/RO ) , Assimilating ( AC/RO ) and Accommodating ( CE/AE ) in different manner. And anyone can make that and explicate in his ain manner. Now we will hold a expression how these systems adaptable encephalon or people work or execute in practically. Converging ( making and believing – AC/AE ) – this is a practical and engineering based acquisition system. Peoples with meeting larning manner attempts to work out any job utilizing their acquisition and attempts to happen work out any practical issue. They like proficient jobs and their concern about people and inter personal facets is less. They are best at happening Page-4 Practical utilizations of theories and issues. They are most attracted to proficient undertakings and jobs apart from societal and interpersonal issues. They like to make experiment with new jobs and issues. Accommodating ( making and experiencing – CE/AE ) – The people who are with Accommodating larning manner, they are really active and relies on surmising instead than logical. They use analytical theories and practical attack to make any undertaking. They prefer new challenges and they are much planned. Peoples with an Suiting acquisition manner prefer to work in squads to finish undertakings. They set marks and actively work in the field seeking different ways to accomplish an aim. Assimilating ( watching and believing – AC/RO ) – The significance of absorbing is absorbing. Absorbing larning penchant is for a concise, logical attack. Their Ideas and constructs are more of import than people. They need a good clear account instead than practical chance. They excel at understanding wide-ranging information and organizing it a clear logical format. They ever prefer to garner thoughts knowledge. Peoples with this manner are more attracted to logically sound theories than attacks based on practical value. They are really of import for effectivity in information and scientific callings. Peoples with this manner prefer readings, talks, researching analytical theoretical accounts, and holding clip to believe things exhaustively. Diverging ( experiencing and watching – CE/RO ) – People with this manner are able to look at things from different positions. They are really sensitive. They prefer to watch instead than make, be givening to garner information and usage imaginativeness to work out any job. They are good at sing concrete state of affairss several different point of views. This is called ‘Diverging ‘ manner because these people perform better, in such state of affairss that require ideas-generation, for illustration, brainstorming. They are interested in people, tend to be inventive and emotional, and be given to be strong in the humanistic disciplines. Peoples with the Diverging manner prefer to work in groups, to listen with an unfastened head and to have personal feedback. Different acquisition manners are appropriate in different phase: Human existences are ever larning. In different age and phase people learn otherwise. When we were in school we learned in one manner but after that our acquisition system has changed. And there are some people who learn faster than the other in his same age and phase. So it differ age, phase, state of affairs. There are some people who learn merely by listening. This called auditory scholar. These people they attend any category ( pupil ) or seminar or meeting any where they learn best by listening. They are really sensitive to outside noise. There are some people who learn from optic. They are called ocular scholar. Basically they learn from assortment of coloring material and image or written information. They like to read instructions and conceive of about any topics or subject. They are besides be more sensitive to ocular distraction. Page-5 There is another larning manner named kinesthetic larning manner in VAK theoretical account. This is really physical learning manner. It is like when person traveling, walking, his/her sense is larning. These scholars learn from assorted motions. When they are on any motion they use to do notes. When they read something they scan it foremost and so they focus on it. So human being, they start larning when they are childs. And that clip they learn from listening and watching. But after a certain period they learn to utilize their encephalon. They learn how to speak how to walk. Then they go to school they start their academic acquisition. Person learn by analyzing, average memorising. Person learn from understanding. Briefly, any pupil, he attend the categories and dressed ore talks and he does non necessitate to analyze more to catch the subject. But on the other manus there is person who needs to analyze more than concentrating the talks. At last when they enter their occupation there is another state of affairs. Person can think what he has to make or non. Person needs to explicate everything point to indicate. But it depends how he learns. My learning manner: I can retrieve something a long clip as I have learned it practical. If I do non understand something I try all my best to larn it. But sometimes I can non. If I can hold a expression practically any theory, I can retrieve or use, Especially Scientific footings. But sometimes when I am analyzing something I do guess and seek to compare with any practical events. I think when I do it ; I can capture it really rapidly. For an illustration when I was analyzing in secondary degree, there were a scientific theory name ‘principle of Archimedes ‘ my instructor tried his all best to do it clear to me but he failed. So he shown me this in research lab how it does work and what was the rule. Still today I can retrieve this theory and I can explicate this. Sometimes I when I am in a new phase, I try to set myself with that state of affairs and comparison with some old state of affairs to happen out the similarities. Sometimes it happens but sometimes my thoughts go incorrect. On the other manus I have seen some people who can think something, they can understand anything immediately. But I can non make the same thing. There is person who can conceive of sing any jobs, subject, or undertaking but I ca n't make the same thing. When I think something I find out some critical thoughts where as some easy thoughts could be the best solution. I ever think something which is that solution what is effectual but non instant solution means this could be use subsequently but it is a possible solution of that job. So I think I have to alter this. Another thing when I learn something from person I ca n't catch everything immediately, when I review that so I can understand that. But I think I am better, when I teach something others. And I am reflector sometimes. It is because when I tech something other chap that clip I try to retrieve my lectors and their manner. Finally, I think I have to develop my thinking power, happen out some possible easy solution. Decision: As acquisition is a uninterrupted and lifetime procedure. So it really of import to holding thoughts about assorted larning manners. And there some people who learn otherwise. And there are some celebrated people, they contribute and presented their thoughts and positions on larning procedure. And nowadays Kolb ‘s manner is popular. Page-6 Methodology: To compose the assignment I used these sites and I followed my lector ‘s talk sheets and our class stuffs. hypertext transfer protocol: //www.informa hypertext transfer protocol: // ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) hypertext transfer protocol: // % 7Eperkinsm/580/Education/index.htm hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: //

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Restorative Justice and the Criminal Justice System Essay

Mennonites and other practitioners in Ontario, Canada, and later in Indiana, experimented with victim offender encounters that led to programs in these communities and later became models for programs throughout the world. Restorative justice theory developed initially from these particular efforts[ (Zehr, 2002) ]. The restorative justice movement originally began as an effort to rethink the needs which crimes create, as well as the roles implicit in crimes. Restorative justice advocates were concerned about needs that were not being met in the usual justice process[ (Zehr, 2002) ]. The criminal justice system’s approach to justice has some important strengths. Yet, there is also a growing acknowledgment of this system’s limits and failures. Victims, offenders, and community members often feel that justice does not adequately meet their needs. Justice professionals, who make up the core components, such as: judges, lawyers, prosecutors, probation and parole officers, and prison staff frequently express a sense of frustration as well. Many feel that the process of justice deepens societal wounds and conflicts rather than contributing to healing or peace[ (Zehr, 2002) ]. Interdisciplinary study and research in public safety and restorative justice is very important. Restorative justice at this day in age will not replace the current court system, but it offers an alternative resolution service for people who want to try another approach. For example, some places are offering mediated victim and offender community conferences. These conferences provide facilitators to help victims and offenders seek reconciliation and resolution. Restorative justice seeks alternatives to continue to put more and more people in jail. Restorative justice seeks sentences that make amends to the victim of crime and to the community as a whole [(Zehr, 2002) ]. Restorative Justice 3 My related feel of study is criminal justice. The criminal justice system is not a perfect system by far. The criminal justice system is concerned about holding offenders accountable, but that means making sure offenders get the punishment they deserve. The restorative justice approach focuses on the harm that has been done to people, individually and as a community. Restorative justice recognizes that crime is wrong and should not occur and also recognizes that after it does, there are dangers and opportunities. Restorative justice has brought an awareness of the limits and negative byproducts of punishment. Beyond that, however, it has argued that punishment is not real accountability. Real accountability involves facing up to what one has done. It means encouraging offenders to understand the impact of their behavior, the harms they have done, and urging them to take steps to put things right as much as possible[ (Zehr, 2002) ]. Restorative justice and the criminal justice system are two systems that have different views. Restorative justice focuses on harm that has been done to people, individually and as a community. It recognizes that crime is wrong and should not occur, and also recognizes that after it does, there are dangers and opportunities[ (Kelly, 2001) ]. The criminal justice system has three core components, police, courts, and corrections. Each core component has a different function in the criminal justice system. The police functions are to enforce specific laws, investigate specific crimes, earch people, vicinities, buildings, arrest or detain people. The police function is primarily a function of cities and states (Overview, 2008). The courts functions are broken down into prosecutors, judges and magistrates. The prosecutors file charges or petitions for adjudication, seek indictments, drop cases and reduce charges. Restorative Justice 4 The judges and magistrates set bail or conditions for release, accept pleas, determine delinquency, dismiss charges, impose sentences, and revoke probation (Overview, 2008). The corrections components are correctional officials and paroling authorities. Correction officials assign to type of correctional facility, award privileges, and punish for disciplinary infractions. The paroling authorities determine date and conditions of parole and revoke parole. Corrections are a primary function of the state and government (Overview, 2008). Throughout the United States the criminal justice system is in a state of crisis. The public is fearful and angry. Practitioners are weary and frustrated. Criminal justice policy is driven more by anecdote than systematic information. Costs of current policies are not sustainable over long periods. Victims are often re-victimized in the process.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Bariatric Surgery Things You Should Be Aware Of

Bariatric Surgery Things You Should Be Aware Of When all other measures fail to control morbid obesity, weight loss surgery is a source of hope to the overweight. American doctors perform weight loss surgery over 140,000 times a year. The oldest form of weight loss surgery is the most familiar, stomach stapling. In this 30-year-old procedure, most of the stomach is sliced and then stapled shut. After the procedure, only a small pouch remains. Shrinking the stomach so it can only hold half a cup of food makes it easier to feel full. In fact, most people who have weight loss surgery feel full after eating the amount of food that you could put on a coffee saucer. It becomes impossible to eat more than two quarter-cup servings (about 50 grams altogether) of anything at a single meal. Weight loss follows calorie restriction. The newer and now more common form of weight loss surgery, the Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, also makes the stomach surgically smaller. In this procedure, however, the stomach is not dissected and stapled shut. In this newer form of weight loss surgery, the stomach is cut and sutured, or sewn, and the intestines are moved so that the end of the stomach is connected farther down the intestine. This procedure leaves a smaller stomach that fills more quickly. It also leaves a shorter length of intestine to absorb fats (and other nutrients) from the smaller amounts of food that are eaten. With this form of weight loss surgery, you dont just eat less. Your intestines absorb less of the food you do eat. Roux-en-Y bariatric surgery produces quicker and more significant weight loss than just stapling or banding the stomach. Theres also a third approach to weight loss surgery, the lap band. The benefit of the lap band is that the weight loss surgery to install it can be laparoscopic, that is, done through an incision as little as one inch (25 mm) wide. Lap band surgery can even be an outpatient procedure, with the patient going home the same day. After lap band surgery, many patients go back to work in three to four days and resume all normal activities (except eating) within a week. The other gastric bypass procedures require a minimum of four days in the hospital and six to eight weeks before resuming an active lifestyle. Another advantage of lap band surgery is a much lower risk of infection. Lap band surgery goes around the stomach, not into the stomach. The bacteria in the stomach do not leak into other parts of the body, and the risk of infection is greatly reduced. Lap band surgery is much less painful than the other procedures. And since pain in the muscles is so much less, patients are very unli kely to develop pneumonia or other breathing problems. The disadvantage of lap band bariatric surgery is that not everyone can have it. The FDA at one time required that recipients of lap band bariatric procedures be at least 18 and no more than 50 years of age. Its also utterly essential not to be allergic to the material used to make the band. And if you overeat after you have a lap band in place, the effect is a little like pulling a napkin through a napkin ring. Too much food can stretch the band so that it damages the stomach. Lap band surgery is easier, but requires more discipline. There is no form of weight loss surgery that is a complete cure for obesity all by itself. Lifetime attention to diet and exercise are still necessary. But successful weight loss surgery can give you the boost you need to regain control of your life and become truly, lastingly, healthily thin. The Promise and Potential of Fat Surgery When Diets Fail When all other measures fail to control morbid obesity, weight loss surgery or fat surgery is a source of hope to the overweight. American doctors perform surgical procedures to make weight loss easier well over 100,000 times a year. The oldest form of fat surgery is the most familiar, stomach stapling. In this well-established procedure, most of the stomach is sliced and then stapled shut. After this form of fat surgery, only a small pouch of the stomach remains connected to the esophagus. The newly resized stomach can only hold half a cup of food. Having a smaller stomach makes it easier to feel full. In fact, most people who have fat surgery feel full after eating the amount of food that you could put on a coffee saucer. It becomes impossible to eat more than two quarter-cup servings (about 50 grams altogether) of anything at a single meal. Weight loss naturally follows. Stomach stapling is the oldest form of fat surgery, an d you can probably find a physician in your area who has a lot of experience doing it. In fact, you should only consider physicians and hospitals who have performed at least 100 operations. You dont want your doctors training to be performed on you. Other procedures are little harder to arrange. The newer form of stomach reduction, the Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, also makes the stomach surgically smaller. In this procedure, however, the stomach is not dissected and stapled shut. Instead, after the stomachs size is reduced, it is reattached to the small intestine at a lower point. Roux-en-Y fat surgery leaves a smaller stomach that fills more quickly. It also leaves a shorter length of intestine to absorb fats (and other nutrients) from the smaller amounts of food that are eaten. With this form of fat surgery, you dont just eat less. Your intestines absorb less of the food you do eat. Roux-en-Y bariatric surgery produces quicker and more significant weight loss than just stapling or banding the stomach. Theres also a third approach to fat surgery, the lap band. The benefit of the lap band is that the weight loss surgery to install it can be laparoscopic. The entire fat surgery can be done through an incision as little as one inch (25 mm) wide. Lap band surgery can even be an outpatient procedure, so you can go home the same day. After lap band surgery, many patients go back to work in three to four days and resume all normal activities (except eating) within a week. The other forms of fat surgery require a minimum of four days in the hospital and six to eight weeks before resuming an active lifestyle. You may be asking, Why just shrink the stomach? Wouldnt it be simpler just to surgically remove all the fat? This procedure, called lipectomy, actually exists. Liposuction has the same effect. The problem with both lipectomy and liposuction is that high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and high blood sugars dont go down just because fat is removed from the body. Only the process of di eting seems to have this effect. There is no form of fat surgery that is a complete cure for obesity all by itself. Lifetime attention to diet and exercise are still necessary. But successful weight loss surgery can give you the boost you need to regain control of your life and become truly, lastingly, healthily thin.