Saturday, July 20, 2019

Essay --

Currently, there are many discussions regarding society’s views on how a â€Å"good† person should act. For example, in one society going to war may be viewed as a patriotic act, while in another society it may be viewed negatively because it can be seen as an act promoting violence. Furthermore, there are flaws in always conforming to society’s standards because it takes away one’s individuality. These topics are raised in the â€Å"Unknown Citizen† which is a poem by W.H. Auden that describes a man who is viewed by society as a perfect person and also in â€Å"Do Not Go Gently† by Dylan Thomas where he urges society to not accept death and fight it. As a result, there are actions that society declares as being righteous, but it is also important that people follow their own intuition because that way they become their own person. In both the â€Å"Unknown Citizen† and â€Å"Do Not Go Gently,† the authors give an impression of what a virtuous person is. For example, in the work, â€Å"Unknown Citizen,† the unknown man is reported to be perfect in every way and does absolutely no wrong. In fact, it was stated t...

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