Sunday, June 23, 2019

Intro Communication Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Intro Communication - Term Paper ExampleLanguage plays a considerable usance in creating meanss of words. In every run-in, in that respect are different sets of words and the rules for constructing sentences. Those rules also play their role in creating meanings of the sentences. For example, English-speaking people cannot understand the meanings of the words, which travel to some other language, such as, French language or Spanish language. They need to find the meanings of those words in their own language in crop to understand those words. There is a very strong relationship between meanings and language. A person can understand the meanings of only those words, which belong either to his/her render language or to a language to which the person is familiar. For effective communication to take place, the role of understandable language is very important. A person need to have complete understanding of the language, which is to be used for communication.When scholars refer t o language use as polysemous, they are actually referring to the use of those words, which have different meanings in different languages. Every language has its own set of vocabulary and standards, which play an important role in distinguishing the meanings of the words used in one language from their meanings in other languages. Understanding of polysemy is very important for effective communication to take place in real life situations (Alberts, Nakayama, and Martin). The reason is that there exist many words in almost every language, which have more than one meaning. So in order to know the real meaning of what the other person is speaking, the ability to distinguish between different meanings of the same words is very important. Some words have same spellings but kick upstairs different meanings. For example, an English word bat has two meanings, which include a stick used to play cricket and an animal. Similarly, the word pupil also has two

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